Please have your say
The Parish Council has been discussing finance and what monies are available to further improve facilities in the two villages. As you may know streetlighting costs are 30.1% of the available to the Parish Council and this impacts on plans.
The precept (the amount of money available to the Parish Council and collected with the East Riding Council Council Tax) has been increased by £1,000 to allow for predicted increases in grass cutting, streetlight electricity and Ellerton pond continued improvements.
The Parish Council wishes to know your thoughts on what is needed in the two villages so that future financial planning can be undertaken. Other sources of income available to the Parish Council are grants for specific projects eg monies spent on defibrillators and Ellerton pond. It may be that ideas you generate can be made possible by grant applications.
The Parish Council manages the land surrounding Ellerton pond plus 2 fields adjacent to the B1228 which could be developed as wildlife habitats.
Please give some thought to your village and what you would like to see, contact the Parish Clerk or Parish Councillors with your thoughts or attend the next PC meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 25 January 2022.
Thank you